- Compliance with Laws and Other Obligations;
Continuously monitoring applicable laws and regulations, social compliance rules, integrated with the management systems standards we apply voluntarily and to operate in accordance with them,
- Forced and Compulsory Labor Employment;
Not to employ forced or involuntary workers,
- Child Employment;
To act in accordance with the procedures and principles of child and youth worker employment and not to employ workers under the minimum working age specified in the laws,
- Prevention of Harassment and Maltreatment / Disciplinary Practices;
Not to use institutional punishment, verbal, physical and psychological harassment or coercion,
- Wages and Social Benefits;
Paying all the progress payments, wages and earnings of the employees stipulated in the laws in full and on time and providing social benefits beyond this,
- Working Hours;
To comply with the applicable laws and obligations in determining working hours and voluntary overtime work,
& nbsp;
- Anti-Discrimination;
Not to discriminate on religion, language, race, color, ethnic origin, pregnancy, marital status or gender among all our employees, including foreign workers and migrant workers; to realize accordingly,
& nbsp;
- Occupational Health and Safety;
By adopting a working system that prioritizes the general health of the employees, to take all kinds of precautions against the occurrence of work accidents and / or health hazards,
- Freedom of Representation;
Respecting the right of representation of the workers and the right to determine their own representatives, to join or not join the union,
- Environment ;
To comply with the relevant environmental laws and regulations, to determine the activities that may have an impact on the environment, and to take all measures to prevent environmental pollution,
- Relations with Suppliers;
Evaluating the Social Compliance activities of our suppliers, monitoring the evaluation results with action plans and gradually increasing the Social Compliance levels,
- Social Responsibility;
To support commercial and social activities that will create added value,
- Management System;
Structuring, conducting, maintaining and continuously improving Social Compliance, Occupational Health, Occupational Safety and Environmental Management activities in accordance with BSCI rules and sharing its policies with third parties, if requested,
We are committed.